Shana Alexander, MD

HealthSource Eastgate Pediatrics

Pediatrician Pediatrics Doctor Eastgate Cincinnati Ohio


4627 Aicholtz Road
Cincinnati, OH 45244

  • Primary Service


  • Education

    University of Cincinnati

  • Residency

    Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

  • Certifications


  • Areas of Interest

    Medical student & Resident education
    Pediatric mental health
    Breastfeeding medicine/education
    Children who were adopted or in foster care

  • Personal Interests

    Dr. Alexander and her family lived in Nicaragua for the last 2.5 years where they worked in partnership with Crossroads Church, Compassion International and Amigos for Christ. While much of her time in Nicaragua was spent caring for her family and learning Spanish, she also enjoyed volunteering her time with a variety of organizations. Dr. Alexander, her 2 children and her husband now live in Batavia where her children attend school. Dr. Alexander loves spending time outdoors including gardening, biking, running and hiking. She enjoys traveling and is a constant learner.

  • Additional Languages
